




1.What has Eric been given for his birthday?

A.A book. B.A dairy. C.An album.

2.Where does the conversation most likely take place?

A.At a shopping mall. B.At a bus stop. C.In a bank.

3.When will Tom get his book bag?


4.How is the weather now?

A.Rainy. B.Cloudy. C.Sunny.

B.Tomorrow. C.The day after tomorrow.

5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.How the woman got the sun.

B.When the woman went sailing.

C.Where the woman had a holiday.



6.Who could the man probably be?

A.A teacher. B.A receptionist. C.A tourist guide.

7.When does the woman suggest visiting the center?

A.On Tuesdays.


8.What is the speakers’ destination?

A.The markets. B.The water gardens. C.The ancient district.

B.On Wednesdays. C.On Thursdays.

9.Who is the woman going to get a present for?

A.Her dad.

B.Her mum. C.Her sister.



10.What did the woman just do?

A.She rushed for the train.

B.She got off the train.

C.She came back from town.

11.What caused the woman trouble?

A.Her coat. B.Her high-heeled shoes. C.Her sports shoes.

12.Which word can best describe the woman?



13.What is Wendy’s opinion about the menu?

A.It’s complicated. B.It’s attractive. C.It’s traditional.

B.Reliable. C.Sporty.

14.Who will do the deliveries first?


15.What did the man do?

A.He ordered more packaging.

B.He arranged the schedule.

C.He hired more people.

16.What will Wendy do next?

A.Plan some promotions.

B.Contact repeat customers.

C.Make changes to the website.

B.Mark. C.Ben.



17.When did the speaker decide to be a mechanic?

A.After he finished school.

B.When he got qualifications.


C.As he was a child.

18.Why did the speaker leave his town?

A.To learn new skills.

B.To become an adventurer.

C.To experience new things.

19.What did the speaker think of the job on the ship at first?

A.Enjoyable. B.Satisfying. C.Tough.

20.What did the speaker do after his experience on the ship?

A.He went travelling.

B.He set up his own business.

C.He completed some training.


George Shull was born in 1874 on a farm in Clark County, Obio, and his knowledge of plants and hybrids

came at an early age. Being needed on the farm, Shull received his early formal education off and on. However, it

was supplemented (增补) by intense home study so that by 1892. he was teaching in a public school, and later

attending Antioch College.

In 1901, he graduated from Antioch and went to the University of Chicago to do graduate work. With his

knowledge of botany and experience with farming practices, Shull passed a Civil Service exam, and was appointed

as a botanical assistant at the U. S. National Herbarium. He also worked at the U. S. Bureau of Plant Industry as a

botanical expert examining the plants and animals of Chesapeake Bay and Currituck Sound. The data he collected

during this time was to comprise his Ph. D.thesis (论文). And in 1904 he was appointed to be in charge of plant

work at the Station for Experimental Evolution.

He began working on corn in 1905. Following Gregor Mendel’s example, Shull obtained purebred (纯种的)

lines of corn through self-pollination (自花受粉). The pure-bred lines were less healthy and productive, but when

he crossed the pure-bred lines, the hybrid yields were better than any of the parents or those pollinated in the open

fields. He immediately recognized the potential for using this strategy to improve crop yields.

In 1915, Shull accepted a professorship at Princeton University. With his encouragement, Princeton University

Press began the publication of a new journal, Genetics. Shull was the managing editor for ten years. Genetics is still


one of the top international science journals.

Shull retired in 1942. He and his wife spent most of their later years with their children and grandchildren.

21.What does the underlined part “off and on” in paragraph 1 mean?

A.Not surprisingly.


22.What’s paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.George Shull’s contributions.

C.George Shull’s work experience.

B.George Shull’s research

D.George Shull’s education.

B.Very formally. C.Very excellently. D.Not

23.What was so special about Shull’s method of corn breeding?

A.It completely relied on self-pollination. B.It was first published in Genetics.

C.It was widely accepted in Ohio. D.It focused on crossing pure-bred lines.

24.How does the author mainly develop the text?

A.By giving examples.

C.By making comparisons.

Recently researchers are discovering that learning is easier, quicker and more long-lasting if it involves the

body. To some extent, the discovery should come as no surprise. Consider that many of us probably began to

understand basic arithmetic (算术) by counting on our fingers before learning to count in our head.

Conventional thinking had it that as we grew, we became more able to think abstractly (抽象地), which might

suggest teachers should help wean children off body gestures to prepare them for the adult world. But in truth, the

physical world never really leaves our thinking. For example, when we process verbs such as lick, kick and pick,

medical scanners show that the parts of our brain that control the muscles in our face, legs and hands become more


This theory is called embodied cognition (体验认知), and it suggests that what goes on in our minds comes

from our actions and interactions with the world around us. It means that encouraging children to think and learn in

a completely abstract way might actually make lessons harder for them to understand and remember.

Science is beginning to support the idea that actions really might speak louder than words in the classroom.

Spencer Kelly, a psychologist at Colgate University in New York, has found that people spend three times as much

time making gestures when the message they convey is particularly important. Kelly has also found evidence that

students like a teacher better when that teacher uses arm and hand movements to emphasize points. Meanwhile,

B.By following time order.

D.By presenting a scientific study.


Susan Wagner Cook, a psychologist at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, has found that children pick up new

concepts more effectively if they are taught to mirror and repeat the gestures their teacher uses, and that lessons

involving words and gestures live longer in a student’s memory than lessons using words alone.

25.What does the underlined phrase “wean children off body gestures” in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Let children be aware of body gestures.

B.Make children stop using body gestures.

C.Give children an account of body gestures.

D.Encourage children to use body gestures.

26.According to embodied cognition, which of the following statements can be inferred?

A.Our minds can help shape reality.

B.It’s not easy to understand abstract concepts.

C.The environment around is important for one’s cognition.

D.Interacting with the world improves one’s memory.

27.What can we learn from Spencer Kelly’s study?

A.Body movements can raise a teacher’s popularity.

B.Young students like to mirror their teacher’s gestures.

C.Using body gestures makes students love learning.

D.Body language is more powerful than spoken language.

28.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A.Words are more important than actions in a classroom.

B.We just need to involve the body in learning when we are young.

C.Teachers had better combine words and gestures to achieve better teaching effect.

D.Example of processing verbs is mentioned to prove that we can think abstractly.

29.What is the text mainly about?

A.A study on classroom teaching.

C.The function of body language.

When someone damages their backbone, the injury can leave them paralyzed (瘫痪). Now, scientists have

given three paralyzed men the ability to walk again, thanks to an implanted device.

The human backbone, or spine, doesn’t just help us stand up straight. Inside is the spinal cord, which carries

B.The dark side of thinking abstractly.

D.A new finding about learning.


important information between the head and the lower part of the body. This information moves around as bursts of

electricity traveling between the brain and the other parts of the body. When the spinal cord is hurt, this pathway

gets damaged and they can’t move their legs.

Now scientists in Switzerland have given three paralyzed men the ability to walk again. To help them walk

again, the men had surgery. A special device was placed directly on the lower part of their spinal cord, below their


This “implant” contained sixteen electrodes, which are small objects that electricity can pass through. The

researchers made sure the electrodes were lined up with nerves that control the leg muscles. The scientists

controlled the implants from a tablet computer.

The patient’s brains aren’t sending “walking”messages to their legs. Instead, the tablet tells the implant to send

the walking messages. The researchers used computers to generate patterns of movement, like taking a step. The

patient then uses the tablet to choose the pattern and the muscles move in the chosen way. Over time, the men were

able to walk using a special walker with buttons to control each leg.

The solution isn’t perfect. It’s very expensive, it requires difficult surgery, and the patients can’t walk without

the system. But the scientists are hopeful that in the future, this sort of technology will allow many paralyzed

people to begin to walk again in just hours.

30.What’s the main function of the spinal cord?

A.It serves as a message carrier.

C.It takes control of the muscles.

B.It helps people stand up straight.

D.It produces signals for movements.

31.What is the implanted device expected to do?

A.Activate the damaged nerves.

C.Test the degree of the damage.

32.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A.How the surgery is performed.

C.How the patients walk without aid.

B.How the device works on patients.

D.How movement patterns are designed.

B.Identify the position of the injury.

D.Bridge the nerve gap made by the injury.

33.What’s the scientists’ attitude towards the planted device?

A.critical B.neutral C.indifferent D.favorable

34.Which can be the best title of the text?

A.Damaged nerves recover after surgery.

B.Tablets are used in a medical treatment.


C.Implant helps the paralyzed walk again.

D.Scientists made a discovery on backbones.


Consumers in the United States spent nearly $3.7 million on dish washing soap in 2018 to get their dishes

clean. That sets the question: Do we really need dish washing soap to get our dishes clean? The short answer is: No.


How can we get our dishes clean without using dish washing soap? Hot water is an effective and time-tested

method. A lot of what we eat is water-soluble and can simply be washed away with very hot water. 36 They

need an alkali (碱) to break them down. So, if you’re out of dish soap and have a thick oily pan to wash, you’ll

need to make your own soap by adding an alkali to hot water.

You can also run your dishwasher using only the rinse (漂洗) cycle. Simply remove the remains thoroughly by

hand and load as usual in the machine. Add white vinegar, a sharp-tasting liquid used in cooking, to the cleaning

cup. 37 Set your dishwasher on the rinse cycle and you will get clean, shim dishes.

If you’re a camper or a farmer, plant and wood ashes—remains of burnt plants and wood—are readily

available in the remains of your campfire, which have served as dish washing soap for a long time. Gather some

ashes from your campfire and put them in a pot. In a separate pot boil some water. Slowly pour hot water over the

ashes, just enough to make a mixture. 38

While wood ashes may not win the good housekeeping seal of approval, they’ll clean your pan and get it ready

for air drying.

39 Whether you find yourself down to the last drop of your dish washing soap at home, forget to bring

it along on your camping trip or just want to try an eco-friendly, natural alternative, turn to these things to help you.

A.We can get along without it.

B.An eco-friendly cleaning solution is created.

C.Animal fats and proteins, however, are the opposite.

D.People used unusual things in the natural world around them.

E.Dish washing soap has been around since the mid-20th century.

F.It’s good to know that there’re alternatives to make your dishes clean.

G.The acid will wipe out the harmful things and keep the dishes from spotting.



When I was little, I often helped my mother plant our family’s garden. In April, I would kneel by Mum’s side

for hours, carefully digging holes and 40 seeds into the earth.

When I grew up, I was unwilling to do any planting. 41 , my mother never said much about my decision

until two years ago. I was leaving home when Mum 42 me.

“Would you please help me with the planting today?” she asked. I mumbled(咕哝) something along the 43

of, “Uh, maybe ... I’ll see.” By the time I left the house, Mum was already in the garden. She 44 for a moment

as I walked past, and from the corner of my eye I saw a certain 45 in her stare. A few hours later, I decided to

head back home to help her and felt very 46 for my selfless decision. But I was too late.

I 47 little about that day until nearly a year later, Mum unexpectedly 48 her friend Sara to cancer. She

went to see how the two children were 49 the sudden loss. There Mum learned the answer. “Mummy made

me my own garden,” Rachel said 50 , leading her outdoors to see the masterpiece. Sara had decided to plant

her children something that would 51 long after she was gone.

As I listened to my mother tearfully tell Sara’s story, I realized the true 52 of a garden. Our annual

planting was about kneeling together, planting potential life and creating the best 53 together.

I won’t ever 54 the planting day again.













C.burned out







C.catch on





D.looked up






D.brokenly on

44.A.turned around B.slowed down






51.A.die out






B.proudly out














The National Day holiday is fast approaching, and those 55 are planning last-minute trips are busy

securing train tickets and quickly vanishing hotel accommodations.

Media reports indicate some luxury hotels in Sanya and Xishuangbann 56 (see) their holiday prices

nearly triple in the past few weeks 57 that economy hotel rates have also doubled across the board.

58 (addition), provinces like Anhui and Shanxi, and cities such as Qingdao and Fuzhou, have issued

guidelines to regulate holiday pricing, emphasizing responsible pricing practices for 59 (operator).

To satisfy the high demand, some citizens are posting holiday-week apartment rentals(租金), as many hotels

are fully booked. In contrast(对比) to hotels and homestays(民宿), 60 (rent) the residential properties

usually doesn’t involve deposits(押金), cleaning fees, agreements or guest registration. Besides, many homeowners

don’t provide standard hotel necessities 61 shower shampoo, bath towels or slippers. Furthermore,

62 (establish) a hotel, one must obtain a business license from the market authority before opening for


Zhang Jian, 63 lawyer at Fuzhou Law Firm, said that as there is no written agreement between

homeowners and renters, 64 would be very difficult for the owners to ensure their rights. He advised

homeowners to be aware of the rules before renting out their apartments.





C. prohibits


E. distinct

F. distinguish

G. emphasis

65.However, placing too much special importance on being a good player can negatively affect your career



66.Those with conservative views disagree on women wearing shorts.

67.There are things in life that are so worthwhile that we will go through any length to obtain them.

68.The Law in general does not allow the sale, purchase, or use of rare or near-extinction wild animals.

69.Flying foxes not only see well during daylight but can also recognize the difference between colors.

70.They’re everyday kitchen appliances in most Australian houses but they are almost similar in every detail.

71.Every city wants to have this landmark that gives a sense of clearly different culture.



break down

in other words



in this sense

appeal to






72.I failed the exam because I didn’t study enough; , my lack of preparation led to poor results.

73.Since the tools by the human, our civilization has witnessed a rapid development.

74.There is also a nursery to help care for babies, and children can play with toys and read books while

by family members in a waiting room.

75.Sometimes part of what makes an animal cute is what makes them dangerous, commercial

trades especially fur industry.

76.The amount of time it takes to complete the project from person to person.

77.The homeless man was grateful to with a hot meal on a cold night.

78.The street performer’s magic tricks and skills were highly to watch.

79.The organization’s efforts in promoting diversity are focused on barriers and creating equal

opportunities for all individuals.


80.中国的科学研究和中医药得以在全世界传播确实是一个荣誉。 (it形式主语)(汉译英)

81.然而,还需要过些年大多数新住宅才会开始使用这种新技术。 (before状语从句)(汉译英)

82.尽管外面艳阳高照,我也分不清是早上还是晚上。 (-ing做主语)(汉译英)



83.Your lights will come on the instant you enter the door along with your favourite music or TV programmes, and

you will find your dinner already prepared for you. (英译汉)

84.A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers. (英译汉)


85.随着信息科技的发展和数字设备的普及,电子书(e-book)的使用频率逐渐增长,请以“Can e-books replace

the printed books?”为题写一篇议论文,包括以下要点:




词数100左右; 2.

可以适当增加细节, 3.


Can e-books replace the printed books?

With the rapid growth of information technology and popularity of digital devices, e-books have played a vital

role in our daily life.



本文标签: 单词形式纸质电子书使用