


state-owned enterprise          


collective enterprise


township enterprise


privately-owned enterprise


listed/quoted company


Sino-foreign joint venture  


group corporation   


multinational corporation



1. Stock levels have been low for two weeks now.

1.  两周以来,库存一直处于低位。


2. Can you e-mail these sales figures through to head office as soon as possible?

 2.  你能尽快把这些销售数字通过电子邮件发给总部吗?


3. Hold on a minute, please, I'll transfer you to a supervisor.

 3. 请稍等,我帮您转接主管。

call centre

4. We need to deliver this consignment on Friday.

 4.  我们需要在星期五交货。

distribution centre

5. The production line is operating at full capacity能力.

 5.  这条生产线正在满负荷运转。


6. The Board of Directors have fixed the Annual General Meeting for Tuesday the second.

 6.  董事会已将年度股东大会定在周二的2号。

head office

7. Why do we always have to check with the parent company before making decisions?

 7.  为什么我们做决定之前总是要和母公司商量?


8. All our engineers are out working on repairs at the moment.

 8.  我们所有的工程师此刻都出去做修理工作了。

service centre服务中心;维修基地


Mercedes-Benz USA, the sales and marketing arm of the German car maker offers flexible work schedules, compressed压缩的  work weeks, and a generous telecommuting policy– as well as a gym with two personal trainers and an on-site car wash, of course.

 德国汽车制造商梅赛德斯-奔驰美国公司(Mercedes-Benz USA)的销售和营销部门提供灵活的工作时间,压缩的工作周,以及慷慨的远程办公政策,当然,还有带两名私人教练的健身房和现场洗车服务。

In Microsoft, employees enjoy a range of legendary including dry cleaning, a Wi-Fi-enabled shuttle service, and valet服侍 parking at some buildings.

 在微软,员工们享受着一系列传奇的服务,包括干洗、wi - fi接送服务,以及在一些建筑物上的代客停车服务。

Women hold more than 30% of the Top 500 positions at Amex, high for financial services. 


All employees have access to on- site medical service as well as a “ health navigation concierge” to help maximize their benefits.


 Everything was up at Google last year– revenue, profits, share price, paid search clicks, hiring – and so, too, was employee love; 


the search giant climbed three slots in our ranking to reclaim the top spot.


The reason? 


Employees rave极力赞扬 about their mission, the culture, and the famous perks福利 of the Plex: bocce courts, a bowling alley, eyebrow shaping (for a free) in the New York office. 


Then there’s the food: some 25 cafes companywide, all gratis免费的.


Wrote one Googler: “Employees are never more than 150 feet away from a well- stocked充足的 pantry食品储藏室.


In Starbucks, the company’s massive part-time workforce—some 95,000 employees—gets full health insurance benefits, stock awards—and free coffee.



share price               股票价格

workforce                 劳动力     

profit                         利润

turnover subsidiary   营业额的子公司     

market share             市场份额    

head office                 总公司

1.  The amount of money a company receives from sales in a particular period is called its turnover.


2.  The money a company makes after taking away its costs is its profit.


3. A company which is more than 50% owned by a parent company is called subsidiary.


4.  The employees in a particular country or business are called the workforce.



interview questions


Tell me about yourself.


Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?


Why do you choose our company?


What is your biggest weakness?


What is the most challenging experience in your life?


Please tell me a problem you recently experienced and how you solved it.


Please use three words to describe you.


Why should I hire you?





What the minutes are a formal summarized written record of what was said and decided by the participants of a meeting




  • Title of minutes会议记录的标题
  • Venue聚会地点
  • Date日期
  • Time时间
  • Present现在
  • Chairperson主席
  • Apologies for absence为没来道歉
  • Notes on the meeting会议纪要


The layout of a memo




To:  All department managers


From: Samuel Smith


Date: 30 March, 2021


Subject: marketing training classes


A marketing training classes will take place in our training center. 


Please encourage your own staff to attend the course.


Please send me the name of all interested staff by 9 am on 27 May.




IBM manufactures _high__-tech computer products.


Timberland makes a range of _hard__ wearing footwear.


Ferrari produces _high___ -quality sports cars.


Coca-cola and Pepsi both developed __best__-selling soft drinks.


Duracell sells __long__ -lasting alkaline batteries.


Levi jeans are a _well__-made clothing product.



brand image, brand name, brand loyalty, brand stretching,


product lifecycle, product placement, product endorsement, product launch

To turn a product to a famous brand is not easy and it requires elaborative planning even before product launch. 


Then you need to choose a spokesman to do the product endorsement, and moreover, in order to let more customers know your product, you may put it in films or TV programmes, which is called product placement. 


If you are lucky, now more and more customers accept your product


Marketing strategies of Chu Orange


  • product         产品
  • price          价格
  • place          地方
  • promotion 促销活动

本文标签: 商务英语口语考试