



As I rose and dressed, I thought over what had happened, and

wondered if it were a dream. I could not be certain of the reality till

I had seen Mr. Rochester again, and heard him renew his words of

love and arranging my hair, I looked at my face in the

glass, and felt it was no longer plain: there was hope in its aspect

and life in its color; and my eyes seemed as if they had beheld the

fount of fruition, and borrowed beams from the master, because I

feared he could not be pleased at my look; but I was sure I might lift

my face to his now, and not cool his affection by its expression. I

took a plain but clean and light summer dress from my drawer and

put it on: it seemed no attire had ever so well become me, because

none had I ever worm in so blissful a mood. 翻译:我一边起床一边回想着发生过的事情,疑惑这是否是一场梦。不敢相信这一切是真的,直到再次见到罗切斯特,听到他重复爱的语言和承诺。一边梳头一边看着镜子里自己的脸,感到这张脸再也不平淡无奇。它有了希望与生命的色调。眼睛就像看到了果实累累一样,从雇主那儿借来了光泽,因为害怕他见到我的目光会不愉快。可我相信现在抬头面面相对时不再会因脸色冷却他的

热情。从抽屉里取出了一件朴素却干净轻盈的夏装,穿了起来。似乎没有盛装如此合身,因为从来没有沐浴于这样喜悦的心情中。 解析:“be

certain of”为“确信”的意思,英文愿意为“不能够确信真实性”,我认为中文用“不敢确信”表达的更为生动。所以硬翻字典的翻译会给读者造成阅读困难,掩盖西方文学的光泽。“there was hope in its aspect

and life in its color”中“hope in its aspect” “脸上有希望的样子”听起来也会使中国读者不舒服,为此进行省略“脸上有了希望与生命的色调。”“but I was sure I might lift my face to his now, and not cool

his affection by its expression.”“……and not……”为英语中一种松散条件句形式,它相当于“When I lift my face to his now I might not

cool his affection by its expression.” “it seemed no attire had ever

so well become me, because none had I ever worm in so blissful a

mood.”这里“well become” 为“合身”的意思,“The dress well

become me.” 意为 “这件衣服我穿很合身。”, 而“none” 是一种旧式英语的用法,现在不提倡使用。它的功能相当于“never”

“because never had I ever worm in so blissful a mood.” 导读:那个仲夏夜之后的第一个早晨,简爱醒来,还以为一切只不过是一个梦。不敢相信这一切真实的发生过,直到再次见到了罗切斯特,听到其重复爱的语言和承诺。看过《简爱》这部书后,有些人怪罪罗切斯特,但书读到这

里,从目前来看他不是一个愚蠢的人。英格拉的美貌没有诱惑住他,反而用心计看穿了英格拉母女的鄙俗之处。对简爱这个平凡女子却吐露了真情。罗切斯特不是个一般的男人。对于简爱这就像是一个节日。她开始在乎自己的目光,在意自己的穿着,觉得自己平淡无奇的脸充满了希望和生命的色泽。 “It can never be, sir; it does not sound likely. Human beings

never enjoy complete happiness in this world. I was not born for a

different destiny to the rest of my species: to imagine such a lot

befalling me is a fairy tale—a day-dream.”“Which I can will realize.

I shall begin today. This morning I wrote to my banker in London to

send me certain jewels he has in his keeping,—the heirlooms for the

ladies of Thornfield. In a day or two I hope to pour them into your

lap: for every privilege, every attention shall be yours that I accord a

peer’s daughter, if about to marry her.”“Oh, sir!—never rain

jewels! I don’t like to hear them spoken of. Jewels for Jane Eyre

sounds unnatural and strange: I would rather not have them.”“I

will myself put the diamond chain round your neck, and the circlet

on your forehead,—which it will become: for nature, at least, has

stamped her patent of nobility on this brow, Jane; and I will clasp

the bracelets on these fine wrists, and load these fairy-like fingers

with rings.”“No, no, sir! Think of other subjects, and speak of other

things, and in another strain. Don’t address me as if I were a beauty;

I am your plain, Quakerish governess.”……“And then you won’t

know me, sir; and I shall not be your Jane Eyre any longer, but an

ape in a harlequin’s jacket—a jay in borrowed plumes. I would as

soon see you, Mr. Rochester, tricked out in stage-trappings, as

myself clad in a court-lady’s robe; and I don’t call you handsome,

sir, though I love you most dearly: far too dearly to flatter you.

Don’t flatter me.” 翻译:“不会那样的,先生。听起来也不像。在这个世界上人类从来不能享有完全的幸福。我生来不会与其他人的命运有所不同。可想而知,这些降临于我的只不过是一个神话—一个白日梦。“我能做到的我会实现。今天就会开始做。早上我向伦敦的银行写了封信,让他们送来一些收藏的珠宝—桑菲尔德太太们的传家宝。希望过一两天就把它们撒在你的双膝上。我遵照迎娶贵族女儿的传统,将她享有的一切特权,应受的一切关注都赋予你。”“哦!先生。不要向我撒珠宝。我不想听到它们。对于简爱来说,珠宝是不自然的和怪异的。我宁愿不要这些。” “我会亲手把钻石项链戴在你项上,将饰环佩上你的前额。这一切至少会自然地将贵族特权印上你的眉梢。简,我还会把手镯合在你细巧的腕上,给你仙女般的手指带上戒指。”“不,不。先生。想想其它的事

情吧,说说其它的事情吧,其它一些不同的事。不要像提及美女一样地提到我。我是你请来的普通的严谨的家庭女教师。”……“那样的话你将不会了解我,先生。我将再也不是你的简爱,而是一个躲在滑稽外衣里的丑角,一个装饰华丽的泼妇。我很快会见到你,罗切斯特先生,穿着舞台服饰,而我自己穿着法袍。我不会用英俊来称呼你,先生,即便深深地爱着你。太爱你而不忍阿谀奉承。也请你不要奉承我。” 解析:“I was not

born for a different destiny to the rest of my species:”这句话容易被误译为“我并非生来与众不同。”,这样的翻译是错误的。与众不同的人有很多,他们也是“one of my species.” “我们种群中的一份子。”而“Different to the rest of my species” 是指“与我的种群不同。” 为此翻译成“我生来不会与其他人的命运有所不同。” “for every

privilege, every attention shall be yours that I accord a peer’s

daughter, if about to marry her.” 这是一句随口说出的口语化很强的话。因此逻辑关系显得不严谨。为了理解方便我用严谨的语法来规范一下,变成书面语形式“You shall have every privilege, every attention of a

peer’s daughter to whom I was about to marry.” 导读:贵族与平民的巨大思想差异在这里体现出来。罗切斯特以为最高的待遇就是钻石珠宝和华丽的典礼。而对一个有心灵的女人来所,钻石、珠宝、项链……这一切都无异于手铐、脚镣、枷锁。它意味着失去自由,成为附庸,进入

“牢房”。 除非像简爱说的那样是一个丑角,一个泼妇。没有这一切就平等了,相处便容易许多,没有了负债感。简爱这里的思想与最后大结局息息相关。19世纪中期欧洲的人性解放思想于现在的中国都难以企及。中国的婚姻对女人来说叫“出嫁”,这个名称本身就决定了从属性。而夏洛蒂·勃朗特描写的婚姻理想就像平等的朋友一样永远相处,这无非是人类和谐理想的巨大飞跃。在中国,对于这一飞跃最大的阻碍不是人做不到,而是无奈可恶的社会偏见。 “……Why did you take such pains to

make me believe you wished to marry Miss. Ingram? ”“Is that all?

Thank God it is no worse!” And now he un-knit his black brows;

looked down, smiling at me, and stroked my hair, as if well pleased

at seeing a danger averted. “I think I may confess,” he continued,

“even although I should make you a little indignant. You glowed in

the cool moonlight last night, when you mutinied against fate, and

claimed your rank as my equal. Janet, by-the-bye, it was you who

made me the offer.”“Of course I did. But to the point if you please,

sir—Miss Ingram?”“Well, I feigned courtship of Miss Ingram,

because I wished to render you as madly as in love with me as I was

with you; and I knew jealously would be the best ally I could call in

for the furtherance of that end.”“Excellent! Now you are small—

not one whit bigger than the end of my little finger. It was a burning

shame and a scandalous disgrace to act in that way. Did you think

nothing of Miss Ingram’s feelings, sir?” 翻译:“……你为什么花了这么大力气要让我相信你想娶英格拉小姐?”“这就是你想要知道的一切吗?感谢上帝!没有更坏的想法。”此刻他舒展了一下自己浓黑的眉毛,微笑着向下望着我,轻抚着我的头发,如同乐见躲过了一个劫难。“我想,我可以忏悔了。”他接着说到:“即便这会使你有些恼怒。昨天晚上,当你向命运发起了叛乱,声称你和我是平等的,你在清凉的月光下兴高采烈。简,顺便说一下,是你想我提出来的。”“是的,是我。但请回到主题,先生。英格拉是怎么回事?”“那么好吧,我假装向英格拉求爱。因为我想让你爱我也像我爱你一样疯狂。我知道嫉妒是自己可以召唤的最好助手,以达到这个目的。”“太高明了!现在你藐小了—一点也不比我的小拇指大。这么做极其无耻极其没有脸面。你就不考虑英格拉小姐的感情吗?” 解析: “take pain to do something” 指“不遗余力地做某事”。

“Even although I should make you a little indignant.”“Even

although” 在当代英语中不允许使用。这里为作者的一个笔误还是古典用法,我不得而知。正确的使用应为 “Even though”. “Of course I

did. But to the point if you please, sir—Miss Ingram?” 如果不看上下文,这句翻译的出来吗?翻译不出来。“Of course I did.” “did” 指做

了什么?做了上文的“made me the offer.” “But to the point if you

please, sir.” 这里的“point” 所指哪一个“关键点”呢?是前两段的这句话:“……Why did you take such pains to make me believe you

wished to marry Miss. Ingram? ” 导读:这一段对话非常绝妙,罗切斯特装成追求英格拉小姐的样子原来是为了让简爱疯狂地爱自己。很多人看过这段以后开始骂罗切斯特太不像话,一个阴谋的情场高手。如果你站在他的角色,除了这种拙劣的方式又如何发现对方对自己的感情呢?这是一个非常矛盾的问题:要么你永远不去使用手段发现,要么你就被认为是卑鄙小人。简爱愤怒了,可这时的愤怒不是憎恶的愤怒,而像一种做作的愤怒。虽然书中没有说,难道你感受不到吗?读书要用心去感受书本以外的体味。至于伤害了英格拉小姐,罗切斯特解释到:“要打消她一直傲慢的态度。”如果这个英格拉小姐只不过看上了罗切斯特的财产,那么她的损失只不过是物质上的损失而不能称其为感情上的打击。 “I am sorry to

grieve you,” pursued the widow; “but you are so young, and so

little acquainted with men, I wished to put you on your guard. It is

an old saying that ‘all is not gold that glitters;’ and in this case I

do fear there will be something found to be different to what either

you or I expect.”“Why?—am I a monster?” I said: “is it

impossible that Mr. Rochester should have a sincere affection for

me?”“No: you are very well; and much improved of late; and Mr.

Rochester, I dare say, is fond of you. I have always noticed that you

were a sort of pet of his. There are times when, for your sake, I have

been a little uneasy at his marked preference, and have wished to

put you on your guard: but I did not like to suggest even the

possibility of wrong. I knew such an idea would shock, perhaps

offend you; and you were so discreet, and so thoroughly modest

and sensible, I hoped you might be trusted to protect yourself. Last

night I cannot tell you what I suffer when I sought all over the house,

and could find you nowhere, nor the master either; and then, at

twelve o’clock, saw you come in with him.”……“I hope all will be

right in the end,”, she said:“but believe me, you cannot be too

careful. Try and keep Mr. Rochester at a distance: distrust yourself

as well as him. Gentlemen in his station are not accustomed to marry

their governess. 翻译:“对不起,我使你悲伤。”寡妇追着说到;“可你如此年轻,如此不了解男人。我想让你警觉起来。有一句老话说:“发光的并非都是金子。”;这么说来我确实担心会发生一些你我意料不到的事情。 “为什么会是这样?难道我是一个魔鬼?”我说到,“难道罗切斯特不能对我怀有真挚的感情吗?”“不是,你非常不错。近来又有很大

进步。并且我敢说罗切斯特先生对你感兴趣。我常常注意到你是他的一种宠物。有些时候,出于你的缘故,我对他明显的偏爱感到有些不安,并希望你能提高警惕。但我不想暗示这样甚至是错的。知道这样的想法会使你震惊,可能冒犯你。你如此的谨小慎微,如此谦逊和通情达理。我希望你有能力保护自己。我不能告诉你我是多么痛苦,当昨晚找遍屋子也找不到你还有主人的时候。而后到了十二点,我看到你和他一起走了进来。……“我希望最后一切都会好起来,”她说,“但请相信我,你不可能谨慎过度。试着与罗切斯特保持一定的距离:不要相信自己也不要相信他。他那种地位的男人是不惯于同女家教结婚的。 解析:“to put you

on your guard.”“guard”是守望、瞭望的意思,整个短语意为 “让你提高警惕”。“all is not gold that glitters;”是一个英语习惯用语,调整一下语序使其更好理解“All that glitters is not necessarily gold.”

“并非发光的东西都是金子” “you might be trusted to protect

yourself.”“be trusted to” “被信任能够做某事”直译同样不符合中文习惯“希望你能够保护自己”比较通顺。导读:这个老寡妇看上去像一个专门搅人好事的丑角。本来就要花好月圆,她这一席话如同是在简爱头上浇了一桶凉水。可寡妇说的一点道理也没有吗?世上的男人是千奇百怪的,世上的女人也不都一碧如水。但无论怎么说,冷静一下对简爱并不是一切坏事,想的太完满了反而会成为一场悲剧。随后罗切斯特带简爱去逛


本文标签: 没有希望先生不会起来