


1. discussion type:

1.1 第一段例子

While sth are increasingly popular, they/it continue(s) to be rather controversial (because/as)/(even that )
There are valid/strong views/opinions/arguments on both sides (of this very topical debate), which I will consider/discuss now.

1.2 抛出论点可以直接给出论点,但是一般需要借他人之口说。

某些人: many/some/other people/advocates/supporters/opponents of sth; people/those (opposed to sth)/(who support sth) (on this side of the debate); They
指出: feel/believe/emphasize/highlight/point out/say/add/argue sth
it might be said that/it is often said that
there is a concern over

1.3 论点的陈述方式举例

importance of sth
sets a poor example
one major benefit of sth is that
it is unwise to …
it helps sth
there are many examples of …
there are question marks over …
It is notable that

1.4 逻辑链说长的方法:

排比、对比,一个变俩: and
举例子,具体化:such as 、 for example、 for instance; are often seen in;in another word; which means that
解释原因、条件:After all, even if; thus; so; as a result; because;
解释后果结果: if(虚拟语气);which…; and this means that; This can make it hard to; so
增加条件; if; This is especially true

1.5 总阶段,给出附带条件的结论。

Overall, I agree with that , because the positive effect on outweighs the negatives. This is as long as/provided that

2. opinion type

2.1 第一段写法

第二句给出个人观点, 支持,And 反对 However
is controversial, with some people claim that. However, I personally do not entirely accept this, and I
will explain why in this essay.
A is preferable to B
I do not entirely accept that
I I do not feel that

2.2 论点给出

Firstly, we must consider

2.3 结尾

Overall, I believe XXX. 再加一句扩展。


It was about , feb this year, not long after I changed from baidu, a very big and famous , to huichaun, a small new startup.
I found that enefficient, so I decided to talk to leaders about that.
They arranged a meeting, and I proposed my suggestions to the leaders, including, ceo, human resource manager, and some other leaders from different groups.
At that time, there were many meetings here every day, discussing all sorts of trivial issues enlessly. I thought it was competely a waste of time. And I pointed out that It would be more efficient to have employees take charge and drive projects rather than letting leaders do it. After that, the company has been slowly changing and becoming more efficient.
I think it was a great experience.

I have been planning to visit tokyo japan for a long while, but .
the plan was delayed again and again, for all kinds of reasons. such as the covid 19 epidemic, the pressure of completing my dissertation, and so on.
And I planning to travel to tokyo at october this year, because I will have a long holiday by then. And I am planning to fly to there with my girlfriend.
we traveled together to many places. we are passionate about travelling. And I am a big fan of japanes culture. I love japanese movie, music, tv series.
and I can speak japanese fluently.
My favioure band is also a japanese emotional punk band named ellegarden and I am dreamming about going to their live someday.
There are alotof things i want to do and place iwantto visit in tokyo. I like to walk on the streets that i have seen many times in movie,
and enjoy the beautiful scenery and talk to the locals, and taste some famous and delicious food there.
I would really like to see an ellegarden band live if the schedule works out.
I believe.

Well, When it comes to holidays, In china, almost everywhere is full of tourists.
And the place with the most tourists i have ever been to would be Beijing.
It was several years ago, not long after i entered high school. I went there with my classmates.
I remember that in Beijing, wherever we went, it was always crowded with people. What impressed me most was the metro.
Every train came into the station was full of people, just as crowded as a sardine can.
All I could do on the train was standing still, and I couldn’t even move my arms.
well think there are alotof reasons why there were so many people.
The major reason might be that, as the capital of china, beijing has witnessed many famous history events and is also the cultural center of china.
which attracts tourists all round china and the world. there are alotof wellkonwn scenery spot, such as the great wall built about 2000years ago,
the forbidden city, centuries-old imperial palace, the tiananmensuare,

Nowadays, few buildings are being built in wood in Chinese cities. Modern buildings are built with less expensive concrete and steel. The Chinese have adopted Western building methods.

However, they might still design buildings according to traditional styles and utilize fengshui concepts to orient and design buildings. For example, modern apartment complexes are usually built around a central courtyard/playground.

China’s culture originated thousands of years ago along the Yellow River and Yangtze River. In the environment of the river basins, the seismic activity and frequent flood disasters prompted the people to build flexibly using wood for most buildings. |
The basic features of traditional lumber architecture were a stamped earth base, load bearing wooden pillars that were not planted into the foundation, and slightly flexible brackets. These design features made the buildings resilient to earthquake and storms, and they also allowed for reconfiguration, expansion and reconstruction if the buildings were damaged.|
A noticeable feature of the traditional wooden buildings are the heavy ceramic tiled roofs with wide eaves and slightly upturned corners. |
Architects in ancient China paid special attention to color and adornments, from the whole building to specific parts. They used different colors or paintings according to particular building functions or local customs. Buildings were often quite colorful.
Carved beams, painted rafters, various patterns, inscribed boards, couplets hung on the pillars, and wall paintings were used to add a colorful and beautiful style to interiors.
Stone lions, screen walls, ornamental columns, as well as flowers were used to decorate the exteriors of buildings.
Nowadays, few buildings are being built in wood in Chinese cities. Modern buildings are built with less expensive concrete and steel. The Chinese have adopted Western building methods.

However, they might still design buildings according to traditional styles and utilize fengshui concepts to orient and design buildings. For example, modern apartment complexes are usually built around a central courtyard/playground.
Although the awareness of retained and adapted traditional architecture was remained, industrial style buildings and skyscrapers sprung up with the rapid modernization in cities.

本文标签: EnglishSpeakingwriting