


Unit 6 Less is more

Section A Door closer, are you?

Background information


Xiang Yu

Xiang Yu (232 BC-202 BC) was a prominent military leader and political figure

during the late Qin Dynasty. In 207 BC, Xiang Yu led the Chu rebel forces to victory

at the Battle of Julu(巨鹿之战)against the Qin armies. After the fall of the Qin

Dynasty, Xiang Yu proclaimed himself “Hegemon-King of Western Chu”(西楚霸王)

and ruled a vast area of land covering parts of present-day Shanxi, Henan, Hubei,

Hunan and Jiangsu. He engaged Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty,

in a long struggle for power, known as the Chu-Han Contention(楚汉之争)that

concluded with his eventual defeat and suicide at the bank of the Wu River.


the Battle of Julu

The battle was fought in Julu (in present-day Xingtai, Hebei, 现今的) primarily

between forces of the Qin Dynasty and the insurgent(谋叛的)state of Chu. The Battle

of Julu marked the decline of Qin’s military power. In 207 BC, Xiang Yu’s army

advanced towards Julu and successfully crossed the Zhang River(漳河), which

separated them from Julu, to attack the Qin forces. After crossing the Zhang River,

Xiang Yu ordered his men to sink all their boats and break their cooking pots, leaving

only a three-day supply of food for each soldier. He warned them that there was no

way to retreat; the only thing they could do to survive was to advance and fight.

Xiang Yu’s boat burning strategy gave his men no choice but to do forward to fight

with skill and passion. After nine long fierce battles, the Qin army was finally

defeated. The battle of Julu was of crucial importance in overthrowing the Qin

Dynasty, and it has been known as the battle of “Smashing the Cauldrons and Sinking

the Boats”(破釜沉舟). This idiom is now used to indicate one’s firm determination

to achieve one’s goal at any cost.


behavioral economics

Behavioral economics is an interdisciplinary school subject of economics and

psychology, which studies the effect of social, cognitive and emotional factors on the

economic decisions of individuals and institutions, and the consequences for market

prices, returns and resource allocation.

Detailed study of the text


The next time you’re deciding between rival options, one which is primary and the

other which is primary and the other which is secondary, ask yourself this question:

What would Xiang Yu do? (Para.1)

Meaning: The next time when you are to make a choice between two competing

options , you have to distinguish which is the primary one and which is the minor one.

To be enlightened, you ask yourself what option XiangYu would choose.

Meaning beyond words: It suggests that XiangYu was a wonderful decision-maker.


The phrase rival options means that both options seem like good choice , but

one choice is somewhat better than the other. In this case, it is the one That XiangYu

chose to implement.


a.(only before noun) used about a person or group that competes against sb. or sth.

else 竞争的;对抗的

Fierce fighting broke out between the rival groups. 敌对集团之间爆发了激烈的战


n. [C] a person ,group, or organization that you compete with sport, business, a fight,

etc. 对手;竞争者

Having good international contacts gives the company a competitive advantage over

its rivals. 良好的国际社会关系使该公司具备了超过其对手的竞争优势。

secondary: a. not as important as sth. else 次要的;从属的

Our father’s health is what matters, and the cost of his treatment is if secondary

importance. 我们父亲的健康是最重要的,他的治疗费用是次要的。


Xiang Yu was a Chinese imperial general in the third century BC who took his

troops across the Zhang River on a raid into enemy territory. (Para.2)

Meaning: XiangYu was an ancient Chinese general in the third century BC. He led

his troops across the Zhang River to attack the enemy in its territory.

imperial: a.(only before noun) relating to an empire or to the person who rules it 帝


In our World History class today, we studied Britain’s expansion in the 19





n [C.] a short attack on place by soldiers, planes, or ships, intended to cause damage

but not take control 突袭;袭击

They made (staged/carried out) a daring raid on the enemy. 他们对敌人进行了大胆


vt. make a sudden military attack on a place (军队)突然袭击

police raided five houses in southeast London and recovered stolen goods. 警方突击


territory:[C,U] land that is owned or controlled by a particular country, ruler, or

military force 领土;版图;领地

They have still refusing to withdraw troops from the occupied territories. 他们仍然


本文标签: 对手追回超过