



There are many ways to classify different types of landscapes in

English. Here are a few common classifications:

1. Natural landscapes: This category includes landscapes that are

created by natural geological processes, such as mountains, hills,

valleys, deserts, forests, lakes, rivers, and oceans.

2. Urban landscapes: These landscapes are characterized by man-

made structures and infrastructure, such as cities, towns, buildings,

roads, bridges, parks, and gardens.

3. Rural landscapes: This category includes landscapes found in

rural areas, typically characterized by agricultural activities,

farmland, pastures, barns, and farmhouses.

4. Coastal landscapes: These landscapes are found along coastlines

and include features such as beaches, cliffs, dunes, estuaries, and

coastal vegetation.

5. Desert landscapes: These landscapes are found in arid regions

and are characterized by sandy or rocky terrain, sparse vegetation,

and extreme temperature conditions.

6. Mountainous landscapes: This category includes landscapes

with large, elevated landforms, such as mountains, peaks, ranges,

and plateaus, often characterized by rugged terrain and high


7. Forest landscapes: These landscapes are dominated by trees and

other forms of vegetation, such as forests, woodlands, and jungles,

and are often associated with biodiversity and wildlife.

8. Agricultural landscapes: These landscapes are primarily used for

agriculture and include farmland, fields, orchards, vineyards, and

crop plantations.

9. Water landscapes: This category includes landscapes that are

dominated by bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, waterfalls,

wetlands, and ponds.

10. Historic landscapes: These landscapes have significant cultural

or historical importance, such as historical sites, monuments,

castles, ruins, and ancient cities.

Please note that these classifications are not exhaustive, and there

may be other ways to categorize landscapes based on specific

characteristics or regions.

本文标签: 景别分类