


1. Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement: this is your alternate plan when the

talks start to out of control.

2. Integrative双赢 Negotiation: it is referred to as “win-win” and typically brings

two or more issues to be negotiated. It often involves an agreement process that

integrates the goals of all the involved negotiators through solve the problems

creatively and collaboratively.

3. Distributive分配式 Negotiation: it normally brings a single issue to be negotiated.

The single issue often involves price and frequently relates to the bargaining process.

4. Value Claiming: it is a situation where there is only one clearly winner in a

negotiation. These situations are called zero-sum零和的 or distributive situations.

5. Value Creation: it is a situation where there are multiple winners in a negotiation.

These situations are non-zero sum, integrative or mutual gains situations.

6. Appeal to a Higher Authority

A very popular negotiating tactic on both sides of the table is the Higher Authority

gambit, in which one person claims he or she must appeal to a higher authority before

making a final decision. This tactic is as powerful as it is popular; it shifts pressure off

your shoulders without forcing a confrontation. The Higher Authority appeal sets

aside the pressure of making a decision, but it also might cause some frustration, as

your opponent may surmise from your appeal that in speaking with you, he or she is

not speaking with the decision-maker.

The gambit is a ruse(策略); you might have the power to make a decision, but you

do not allow your opponent to know that. Your Higher Authority should be vague(模

糊) — a “board” or “committee,” rather than an actual title (the other person

can always demand to meet your authority figure if he or she knows a title). If the

gambit is played on you by buyers, attempt to get them to admit they

have decision-making authority by countering their gambit with one of your own:

•appeal to their ego;

•get their commitment that they’ll recommend you to their Higher Authority;

•get them to commit to a decision, subject to some other consideration or time period.

本文标签: 商务谈判名词解释