



Reference for group study of punctuation marks

I. Comma

What does a comma indicate in a sentence?

A pause within a sentence.

It Separates one part of a sentence from another part.

Tips for using comma

1. In a compound sentence, a comma is to join coordinate

clauses(并列句,又叫compound sentences). It is put before the

conjunction(and, but, or, for, so, nor, yet)(逗号和并列连词连用).


He asked the question in a loud voice, but no one answered.

We were tired, and we decided to have a rest.

Come early, or you’ll miss the show.

She couldn’t go to the airport to meet him, nor could she

send anyone in her stead.

It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.(注意


He is an eccentric boy, yet you can’t help liking him.

2. A comma is used after an adverbial clause(状语从句)or

phrase (including a prepositional phrase介词词组and a participial

phrase分词词组) before the subject of the sentence or in the

middle of the sentence.


When the bell rang, the teacher dismissed the class.

In the ancient palace, they saw the throne where emperors

used to sit.

Born and brought up in the South, she is not used to eating


The audience, interested in the topic, asked the speaker

many questions.

2-b Omission: The comma is often omitted when an

adverbial element follows the main clause.(状语从句中主句在前,


E.g. She decided to study English although she was

interested in music.

Although she was interested in music, she finally decided to

study English.

3. Commas are used to separate a series of words or phrases

having the same function in the sentence.

E.g.: The little girl likes to sing, to dance, and to act.

She buys bread, butter, vegetables, and many other things

from this supermarket.


4. Nonrestrictive clauses (非限制性定语从句)and phrases

(非限制性作定语的词组)are set off by commas:

Wang Ling, who is the best singer of the class, will teach us

to sing the song.

He had to leave his home town, where he had lived ever since

he was born.

4-a Restrictive clauses and phrases are not set off by commas.

The young man who is talking with the foreign reporters is

the inventor of the machine.

This is the house where the famous poet was born.

Restrictive v.s. Nonrestrictive(区分限制性定语从句和非限制性





本文标签: 定语限制性主句